Grant Opportunities

At Darkwave, we understand the unique financial challenges that businesses and those working in the creative industries face. A lot of people, however, aren’t aware of just how many grants and funding opportunities are available for them to tap into – covering everything from travel funds to training and development programs.

The list below covers grants in the following industries: Arts, Film & TV, and Digital.

We are committed to helping you navigate the complexities of grant applications, ensuring you maximise your chances of success.

Industry State Grant Name $ Amount Closing Date Application Information Other Info
FILM & TV NSW Location Scouts and Inbounds Program Up to $3,000 Open/ Rolling Apply here See info & eligibility here
NSW Attachment Register No $ value provided. Open/ Rolling Apply here See info & eligibility here
NSW Strategic Opportunities From $2,000 Open/ Rolling Apply here See info & eligibility here
NSW Charlie’s Working Space, LA! No $ value provided. Open/ Rolling Apply here See info & eligibility here
Industry State Grant Name $ Amount Closing Date Application Info Other Info
Arts All Arts Projects for Individuals and Groups $10,000 – $50,000 3rd Sept ’24 for Projects after 1st Dec ’24 Apply here See info & eligibility here
All Arts Projects for Organisations $20,000 – $100,000 3rd Sept ’24 for Projects after 1st Dec ’24 Apply here See info & eligibility here
All Playing Australia Project Investment No Limit. 3rd Sept ’24 for Projects after 1st Dec ’24 Apply here See info & eligibility here


Industry State Grant Name $ Amount Application Info Other Info
Film & TV NSW Location Scouts and Inbounds Program Up to $3,000 Apply here See info & eligibility here
Attachment Register No $ value provided. Apply here See info & eligibility here
Strategic Opportunities From $2,000 Apply here See info & eligibility here
Charlie’s Working Space, LA! No $ value provided. Apply here See info & eligibility here
Film & TV Vic Victorian Production Fund Capped at $500,000 Apply here See info & eligibility here
Development Program Up to $50,000 Apply here See info & eligibility here
Export Development Fund Up to $25,000 Apply here See info & eligibility here
Screen Events No $ value provided. Apply here See info & eligibility here
International Festival Travel No $ value provided. Apply here See info & eligibility here
Film & TV All Industry development No $ value provided. Apply here See info & eligibility here
Key talent production placements No $ value provided. Apply here See info & eligibility here
Key talent company placements No $ value provided. Apply here See info & eligibility here
Specialist placements No $ value provided. Apply here See info & eligibility here
Professional attachments No $ value provided. Apply here See info & eligibility here


Industry State Grant Name $ Amount Application Information Other Info
DIGITAL Vic Digital Games up to $500,000 Apply here See info & eligibility here
NSW Post, Digital & Visual Effects Rebate 10% rebate of qualifying expenditure Apply here See info & eligibility here
NSW Digital Games Rebate From $50,000 Apply here See info & eligibility here